Thursday, March 22, 2007

growing fast

The exciting thing this week is that Rowan is getting up on his knees. He doesn't go anywhere when he's up, but he still pushes himself backwards and away from his toys. That doesn't go over very well usually :) Oh yeah, and when I gave him a bath last night, he had so much fun splashing!! I've never seen him have so much fun in the water. He's also getting upset when Kayleigh takes his toys, and he's starting to hold onto them more, which makes her a little upset. I see "fun" times in our future!

On Monday, while Christine slept, Eric and I took Kayleigh and Rowan to the Greenbelt in Boise. It's an 11 mile walking, jogging, biking path along the Boise River with parks and museums and shops along it. Kayleigh had a lot of fun looking at the ducks, she didn't see why she couldn't go into the water after them! Rowan enjoyed the scenery and took a nap. I'm sure he'll enjoy it more as he gets older.

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